
FA Ministers of Peru and Chile meet in U.S.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

08:38 | San Francisco (U.S.), Nov. 15.

Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea held a meeting with Chilean counterpart Alberto van Klaveren on Tuesday, within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting that will take place in the city of San Francisco, United States, this week.

At their first meeting, both officials highlighted the excellent state of the bilateral relationship, evidenced in the continuous high-level dialogue between Peru and Chile throughout the year.

Thus, the ministers highlighted the upcoming start of the Peruvian Presidency at the APEC forum and the handover of the Pacific Alliance Pro-Tempore Presidency from Peru to Chile in 2024.

Moreover, they addressed the main issues on the bilateral and regional agenda.

The two authorities reaffirmed their agreements in the defense and protection of human rights and democracy, as well as the respect for international law.

Likewise, the dignitaries talked about priority issues on the bilateral agenda, such as the strengthening of cooperation on migratory issues, security, and against illicit drug trafficking, as well as the deepening of economic relations.

In this sense, they agreed to begin works to hold the first meeting of High-Level Political Dialogue Mechanism between both countries in 2024.

Foreign Affairs Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea and U.S. Secretary of State Blinken highlighted the importance of the handover of the APEC Presidency to Peru and the joint work that both economies carry out in this bloc.

Finally, within the framework of a complex international situation, both authorities discussed topics of interest on the regional and international agenda.


Published: 11/15/2023