
Coronavirus: Arriving ships in Peru to be inspected as preventive measure

11:44 | Lima, Mar. 5.

Peru's Transport and Communications Ministry (MTC) stipulated that ships announcing their arrival at Peruvian ports must be anchored in bay before they reach the dock where loading and unloading activities take place, as a preventive measure in light of the coronavirus cases reported abroad.

The measures —adopted by the National Port Authority (APN) of Peru, in coordination with the International Maritime Health Directorate, the Regional Health Directorates, and the Ministry of Health (Minsa)— will be applied to both the crew and passengers suspected of carrying the virus.

In this regard, the ships will be inspected by the International Maritime Health staff in the bay area.

It should be noted that the anchoring areas in the bay are located several kilometers away from the docks.

In the case of the Callao Port Terminal, such area is situated at a distance of about eight kilometers.

Additionally, according to the Regulations on the Reception and Clearance of Vessels, the captain, through the ship's agent, shall notify the harbor authorities of the ship's time of arrival 24 hours in advance, using the Foreign Trade Single Window (VUCE) system.

As part of the announcement process, the captain shall provide a report of the health status of the crew and passengers, as well as a list of the last ten ports where the ship docked during its route.

Moreover, he has to provide details about the crew changes at the ports where stops were made, as well as the nationality and background of ship workers, among other things. 

The shipping agency shall submit a report to APN, the Maritime Authority, and the International Maritime Health Directorate using the VUCE system.

Aboard another craft, International Maritime Health experts will head to the ship, which must remain anchored in the bay.

Once there, they will inspect the crew and/or passengers to determine the existence of a suspected case of COVID-19.

If no possible carrier of the disease is identified, the ship will be authorized to dock in Peruvian ports.

If a suspected case is identified, the Maritime Health medical staff will check the patient and determine his/her transfer to a healthcare center. In the meantime, the ship will remain in the bay as a preventive measure.

If the case is confirmed, the International Maritime Health Directorate will stipulate that the ship must anchor in the quarantine area established by the Maritime Authority.


Published: 3/5/2020