
Andina news agency marks 42nd anniversary



10:55 | Lima, Jun. 12.

Andina news agency is commemorating its 42nd anniversary of institutional life amid a process of changes and permanent digital innovation at a global scale.

New technologies and platforms are drafting a different world for media outlets, in which real time marks an important line that is always subject to the dissemination of reliable and verified contents.

Since its re-launch in early 2003, as a web platform, Andina has strengthened its mission to spread the information generated by the State and society.

Within this context, the Andina team is aware of the need to take a step forward in the digital arena, and the State-run news agency is focused on that direction.

Diving into cloud

Nowadays, the media outlet world includes technological proposals that go beyond 4G and 5G technologies, which, unfortunately, are not developed as many would like, and that enable the generation of contents and their dissemination in real time.

The new digital development stage is no longer understood as "Move to cloud" but as "Dive into cloud."

Therefore, looking into the future involves various aspects such as achieving such immersion as soon as possible, that is, working within a collaborative digital infrastructure with many options for the generation of audiovisual content, including the use of Artificial Intelligence and augmented reality, which implies being part of a new Internet era.

The agency was founded on June 12, 1981, under the name of Agencia Peruana de Noticias y Publicidad S.A. (ANDINA) during the second term of former President Fernando Belaunde Terry.

Andina is the result of the merger of State-run ESI-Peru (Agencia Estatal de Noticias Nacionales) and Publi-Peru (Agencia de Publicidad del Estado).

The former company was liquidated in 1994, and since then Agencia Peruana de Noticias Andina (Andina news agency) joined Editora Peru, which also publishes the Official Gazette El Peruano.


Published: 6/12/2023