The latest Datum survey on Thursday shows that 78% of Peruvians believe the
resignation of Pedro Chavarry as Attorney General is not enough, saying he
should step aside from the Public Ministry and resign as Supreme Prosecutor.
Conducted nationwide and published by Peru 21 newspaper, the study reveals that only 15% of respondents think Chavarry should remain as Supreme Prosecutor, while 7% selected don't know/no opinion on this question.
On the other hand, 18% of those surveyed say Avalos' designation is enough, while 9% do not know or have no opinion.
The poll also shows that 54% of Peruvians believe
Chavarry's resignation will solve problems at the Prosecutor's Office, 18% think problems will be partly resolved if he resigns, 22% say all problems will be solved in this scenario, while 6% do not know or refuse to comment.
As for the accusations that President Martin Vizcarra was interfering in the Public Ministry's autonomy, 48% believe the Head of State did not, whereas 41% say he did. The remaining 11% express they don't know or have no comment.
Technical details
Pollster name: Datum Internacional S.A.
Published by: Peru21 and Gestion newspapers
Coverage: National level
Sample size: 1,203 respondents
Margin of error: +/- 2.8%
Level of confidence: 95%
Fieldwork period: January 11th-13th, 2019
Published: 1/17/2019