
Peru's Judiciary requests Israeli authorities to provisionally arrest Eliane Karp



08:23 | Lima, May. 24.

The Ninth Liquidating Criminal Chamber of the Superior Justice Court of Lima has requested Israel's judiciary authorities to provisionally arrest Eliane Karp with a view to extraditing her to Peru, for the purpose of being prosecuted for the crime of money-laundering, within the framework of the Ecoteva case.

The court made this request pursuant to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, as well as the principle of reciprocity between the State of Israel and Peru.

Likewise, the collegiate tribunal ordered to issue updated national and international arrest warrants of the aforementioned accused.

Similarly, it urged that Eliane Karp's extradition booklet be prepared with the necessary and pertinent certified copies of the file, in order to be submitted to the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court.

The Ecoteva case came to light when the existence of properties purchased in the name of people close to Toledo was revealed.

Moreover, it was also revealed that numerous bank deposits made in Costa Rica were directed to the company of the same name, whose ownership was in the name of Eva Fernenbug, the former president's mother-in-law. 

The investigation involves former President Alejandro Toledo —who was extradited from the United States on April 23, 2023— Eliane Karp, Eva Fernenbug, David Eskenazi, Avraham Dan on, and Shai Dan On.

On May 10, former First Lady Eliane Karp —born in Belgium— traveled from the United States to Israel, a country where she also has citizen status.

Her husband Alejandro Toledo —who was extradited from the U.S. last April— is being investigated by the Peruvian justice for having allegedly received a bribe worth US$35 million from Brazilian construction companies to favor them in the bidding for the South Interoceanic Highway, while he was President of the Republic (2001-2006).


Published: 5/23/2023