
Peru: Safe return to class strategy is comprehensive, seeks to guarantee quality education

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru

15:33 | Lima, Jan. 14.

Peruvian Prime Minister Mirtha Vasquez on Friday expressed that the return of schoolchildren to classes should not only have attendance as a goal, but also an educational quality improvement, under adequate conditions and achieving a decentralized education.

"We are helping the Ministry of Education so that this return to classes not only means reaching a goal of face-to-face attendance, but going further, and as the Education minister and governors said, this can be an opportunity to improve our educational quality," Vasquez expressed.

The Cabinet chief said that opportunities must be created from problems, adding that this will depend a lot on the sustained efforts undertaken by the Peruvian State on the educational issue. Therefore, she reaffirmed her commitment to establish a permanent and multisectoral work.

"During the last Council of Ministers, we have decided that this objective of returning to classes, as a government goal, will be addressed in a multisectoral manner. We have formed a multisectoral commission, which involves the most strategic ministries that have to do with the issue. We are committing ourselves at this level because it is an objective that we cannot work on alone," she indicated.

The Cabinet chief explained that it is necessary to review various aspects, which is why it is important to work with the Ministries of Health, Labor, and Economy, among others.

"There is an expressed will to work conscientiously from every ministry. Objectives of this nature must be addressed in a comprehensive manner," she pointed out.
Vasquez expressed that a setback was generated in education given the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, it is a priority to advance in diverse actions.

"Two years later, we are obliged to guarantee a fundamental right for students. There are 705,000 boys and girls who have stayed on the sidelines of the educational system due to the situation we have gone through and the conditions they have not been able to rely on so as to continue with their education," she explained.
The Prime Minister highlighted the willingness of regional governors in education-related matters since three months ago, during a meeting with the Assembly of Regional Governments, its members expressed concern about addressing this aspect in a decentralized manner. 

In this regard, the Cabinet head stated that a working group was formed to evaluate the best strategies for an efficient and adequate return to classes.

Remarks were made during the inauguration of the Intergovernmental Meeting among the Ministry of Education, Regional Governments, as well as Regional Education Directors and Managers. At the event, a work agenda was established that allows articulating efforts for an adequate and efficient return to face-to-face classes.

The meeting was attended by Education Minister Rosendo Serna; National Assembly of Regional Governments (ANGR) Chairman/Ayacucho Region Governor Carlos Rua; ANGR Vice-chairman/Apurimac Region Governor Baltazar Lantaron; Lima Region Governor Ricardo Chavarría; Huanuco Region Governor Juan Alvarado; Moquegua Region Governor Zenon Cuevas; as well as directors and regional managers of education in various Peruvian regions.


Published: 1/14/2022