
APEC Peru 2024: Technical meetings start today

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

16:06 | Lima, Feb. 24.

From February 24 to March 8, a total of 73 technical meetings on different areas will be held, in the first official event of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum Presidency by our country, Peru's Senior Official for APEC, Jorge Renato Reyes Tagle, announced on Saturday.

Reyes Tagle indicated that the Senior Officials' Meeting 1 (SOM1) is the first official gathering, which takes place at Lima Convention Center in San Borja district.

"73 technical meetings will be held from February 24 to March 8 to develop different areas; today, for example, the working group on food security, as well as the energy group, will meet," he said in remarks to RPP Noticias.

Reyes Tagle announced that the group of experts on illegal logging, fishing and oceans, as well as intellectual property, will gather on Sunday, taking into account that good practices are developed at the APEC level.

Regarding the gatherings in Arequipa, where the Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting (FCBDM) was held, he indicated that it was "very positive."

"There was a good turnout from the other 20 economies. Deputy finance ministers and representatives of Central Banks gathered to talk about the sustainable finance initiative, which aims to evaluate and include the issue of sustainability in the financial decision-making process," he stated.

In this regard, Reyes Tagle explained that if this issue is approved by APEC leaders "it will be a milestone at the level of international organizations," because this issue "is not addressed in other spaces."


Concerning the benefits of various activities being held in Peru —as part of the APEC 2024 Presidency— he noted it is worth remembering that, during the 2016 event, the regions that hosted meetings benefited from a total of US$20 million through the use of transportation, hotels, job creation, among others.

Moreover, the senior official explained that Peru managed to include several topics on the agenda of this event that brings together the 21 economies from the Asia-Pacific region, such as the development of a roadmap that encourages the transition of informal economic actors towards the formal economy.

"Another issue is the development of principles to prevent and reverse food loss in the Asia-Pacific (region), taking into account that 30% of food production gets lost or wasted worldwide," he added.


Published: 2/24/2024