
Chinese businesspeople interested in Peru's Commuter Train project

17:10 | Lima, Jan. 21.

Lima Region Governor Rosa Vasquez attended a coordination meeting with businesspeople from the Peruvian Chinese Chamber of Commerce (CAPECHI).

A brotherhood approach with this business group from the Asian Giant, which aims to promote investment, took place once the delegation had shown interest in the execution of the Commuter Train project.

The highest regional authority indicated that a travel invitation to China is pending for later so as to learn about the operation and experience in the use of this means of mass transportation.

Governor Vasquez also stated that the Chancay Megaport is currently under construction.

"We have requested sources of employment, for local people, in order to boost the economic recovery," she added.

Within the framework of this event, the governor was appointed as an honorary consultant to the Peruvian Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Her mission is to strengthen ties, as well as facilitate economic and commercial cooperation in favor of a better future for Lima region.


Published: 1/21/2023