
Peru: President Boluarte meets with heads of consular offices abroad

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

15:05 | Lima, Feb. 21.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte held a meeting with the heads of Peruvian consular offices based in foreign countries.

During the virtual event, the Head of State called on them "to give their best in the service they provide to the Peruvian community abroad," the Presidential Office reported via its official Twitter account on Tuesday.

On this occasion, the top official was accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Ana Cecilia Gervasi.

In turn, the diplomat stressed that the Foreign Affairs Ministry faced challenges, generated by the Peruvian population's growth abroad, with a progressive development in infrastructure, technology, and human resources.

"The president also highlighted the important work of consuls in the provision of State services abroad with a humane face, (as well as) the promotion of Peru's image and its cultural values," a tweet reads.

As is known, this was the second presidential event scheduled for Tuesday.

Said event was held at the National Police's Directorate of Special Operations (Diroes) headquarters in Lima's Ate district.


Published: 2/21/2023