
Peru: FA Ministry informs OECD member countries' ambassadors of progress in accession

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

12:27 | Lima, Aug. 22.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on Peru's progress in its process of joining the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), during a meeting with representatives of said organization's member countries.

During the event, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Camino reaffirmed Peru's commitment to the OECD accession process -a State policy that has been clearly established in the new axis of the Government General Policy.

The diplomat explained that Peru has adopted over 55 legal instruments from the organization.

The country is currently being evaluated by 24 committees and 25 working groups, with six evaluation meetings and 12 fact-finding missions conducted to date.

Ambassador Camino thanked the diplomatic missions for their participation in the technical meetings on the recommendations of each evaluation committee, where areas for cooperation will be identified, and support from OECD member countries is expected.

In turn, Peru's High Representative for the OECD Accession Process, Ambassador Ana Rosa Valdivieso, provided details on the current status of this procedure.

Ambassador Valdivieso indicated that coordination is ongoing with Peruvian State sectors to establish work plans so as to ensure sustained progress in our country's integration into the organization.

She reiterated Peru's gratitude to member countries for their interest and support in the accession process, which will enable our nation to meet the organization's standards —an international benchmark in public policies and good practices based on evidence that contribute to sustainable and inclusive development for citizens.

On June 7, 2023, Peru submitted the Initial Memorandum —a self-assessment of our regulatory framework, policies, and practices to determine our status regarding OECD standards.


Published: 8/22/2024