The organizing committee for Pope Francis' visit to Peru has just released detailed maps outlining the Pontiff's routes during his visit to the capital city, Lima.
Thursday 18
Pope Francis will arrive at Lima's Jorge Chavez International Airport from Chile on January 18 at 5:20 PM (local time).
Then, he will pass through Faucett, La Marina, Sucre, and Brasil avenues on his way to the Immaculate Virgin Mary image, located at the end of Brasil Avenue.
After that, the Pope and his convoy will enter Bolognesi Square to use Guzman Blanco, and Salaverry avenues before reaching the Nunciature, where he is going to have dinner and rest.

January 19
On Friday, at around 8:00 AM, the Holy Father will leave for Air Group No 8 to take a flight to Puerto Maldonado city. To do so, he will pass through Salaverry, Guzman Blanco, Paseo Colon, Wilson, Nicolas de Pierola, Colonial, and Faucett avenues.
On his return to Lima, after his visit to Puerto Maldonado, the Supreme Pontiff will head to the Government Palace. He will use Faucett, Colonial, Nicolas de Pierola, Tacna, and Conde de Superunda avenues this time.
Afterwards, he will visit San Pedro (Saint Peter) Church. The papal motorcade will take Junin and Lampa streets to Ancash Avenue before proceeding to Azangaro Street.
Following the religious activity, the Pontiff will be back to the Nunciature. The route will run along Azangaro, Cusco and Emancipacion streets, as well as Tacna, Wilson, 28 de Julio, and Salaverry avenues.
January 20-21
His Holiness Pope Francis will visit Trujillo city on Saturday. He is set to leave the Nunciature in Lima at 7:10 AM. He will pass through Salaverry, Guzman Blanco, Paseo Colon, Wilson, Nicolas de Piérola, Colonial, and Faucett avenues on his way to Air Group No 8.
Upon his return to Lima, at around 7:40 PM, he will take the same route towards the Nunciature.
On Sunday, the Pope will head to Nazarenas Convent, where he is slated to arrive at 9:15 AM. He will take the Salaverry- Guzman Blanco-Paseo Colon-Wilson-Tacna route in this case.
The head of the Catholic Church will then leave for the Lima's Cathedral going through Tacna Avenue and Conde de Superunda Street.
He will return to the Nunciature. The route runs along Carabaya and Cusco Streets, as well as Tacna and Wilson avenues.
At 3:20 PM, Francis will head to Las Palmas Air Base, where he is scheduled to celebrate a mass service —his last activity in Peru. He will take Salaverry, Cuba, Petit Thouars, Diagonal, Benavides, Republica de Panama, Balta, and Jorge Chavez avenues to get there.

Finally, he will leave for Air Group No 8, where his visit will come to an end.
Published: 1/11/2018