The Judiciary on Friday denied the Public Ministry's request to change
the house arrest —currently in place against ex-President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018)— to preventive detention.
The request —submitted by Lava Jato Special Case Prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez to Judge Jorge Chavez— indicated that Kuczynski might have violated the rules of conduct, as he welcomed visitors at his home.
Likewise, it pointed out the former President received visits from Vice-President Mercedes Araoz, lawmakers Carlos Bruce, and Gilbert Violeta, as well as ex-ministers Alfredo Thorne, Bruno Giuffra, Cayetana Aljovin, Claudia Cooper, Abel Salinas, and Alfonso Grados.
According to Perez, these visits also violated the "prohibition on communication with witnesses of all the investigations carried out by the representative of the Public Ministry," and
casts doubts on Kuczynski's "delicate health."
House arrest
Preliminary detention
Furthermore, in 2007, the Westfield Capital company —founded by Kuczynski— allegedly received money transfers from South IIRSA —Stretches 2 and 3— and Trasvase Olmos.
This new motion was intended to oust Kuczynski for alleged links with Odebrecht.
Published: 8/23/2019