
President and State ministers coordinate actions to address situation in Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

13:43 | Lima, Apr. 5.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Tuesday met with State ministers to coordinate actions and address the situation in the country, the Government Palace Press Secretariat reported on Tuesday.

The meeting took place at the Executive Branch headquarters in Lima.

On Monday night, the Head of State announced the declaration of the state of emergency in the capital Lima and neighboring port city Callao, as well as of citizen immobility (curfew) on Tuesday, April 5.

As previously reported, the curfew runs from 2:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

According to Prime Minister Anibal Torres, the top dignitary will go to Congress this afternoon, at the invitation of said branch of government.

Torres explained that the aforementioned curfew was meant to protect the community against acts of vandalism.

He explained that the incidents of vandalism reported on Monday were going increase today.


Published: 4/5/2022