
Peru: Prosecutors to sign collaboration agreement with businessman linked to Toledo

Photo: EFE

13:40 | Lima, Feb. 21.

Peru's Justice-Human Rights Minister Vicente Zeballos on Thursday informed Lava Jato case prosecutors will arrive in Israel in the coming days to sign a collaboration agreement with Israeli businessman Josef Maiman.

Maiman is believed to have assisted ex-President Alejandro Toledo in channeling bribes paid by corruption-tainted Odebrecht to secure a major infrastructure project in Peru.

Likewise, the cabinet member indicated a procedural strategy is currently being outlined for this case. Plus, it will follow the same lines as the accord signed with Odebrecht in Brazil last week.

Furthermore, he clarified the legality control will not affect the interrogations of the construction company's former employees, which are going according to schedule. 

In this sense, it is possible to include more projects executed by Odebrecht in the collaboration agreement, depending on the findings of the Public Ministry.

On the other hand, Minister Zeballos said he hopes the National Justice Board will start functioning before July, as it is urgent to rely on an organization that replaces the former National Council of the Magistracy (CNM). The CNM was in charge of appointing, as well as ratifying, judges and prosecutors in the Inca country.


Published: 2/21/2019