
Peru: Gov't reaffirms willingness to work with Congress in fight against COVID-19 pandemic

Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez. Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM).

Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez. Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM).

20:36 | Lima, Dec. 21.

Prime Minister Violeta Bermudez on Monday reiterated the Government's willingness to work in coordination with Congress in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic so as to protect the life and health of Peruvians, thanks to a coordinated effort between the two branches of the Peruvian State.

During her virtual presentation before Congress' COVID-19 Emergency Monitoring and Disaster Risk Management Commission, Bermudez stressed the need to join forces to achieve the main goal, which is to get the vaccines for the population as soon as possible.

"The Executive Branch —led by President Francisco Sagasti— is willing to work on a collaborative effort with Congress, mainly with this commission, because the greatest challenge faced by the country is the fight against the pandemic, and this implies having the vaccine as soon as possible," she indicated.

The Cabinet chief affirmed that the Government is making various efforts to protect the health of Peruvians. Therefore, it conducts the necessary negotiations so that the vaccines can become available in the country and prepares the logistics to start the vaccination process across the country.

The high-ranking official reiterated that the vaccines will be arriving in the first half of next year, adding that, in the case of Covax Facility, Peru has secured doses for 20% of the population.


Published: 12/21/2020