
Peru: Gov't confirms commitment to fight against illegal mining in Madre de Dios

14:46 | Lima, Aug. 25.

The Peruvian State's presence in Madre de Dios is permanent and the actions against illegal mining will continue to take place in said region through the multisectoral strategy "Mercury Operation," as well as the implementation of the plan that promotes the resumption of formal productive activities.

The announcement was made by Environment Minister Kirla Echegaray, who highlighted the concerted multisectoral efforts to boost the economic resumption in that area of the country.

"We are working on the recovery of degraded soils in Tambopata. The Amazon's reforestation is a great challenge. We are going to consolidate the nature tourism industry," she said in an interview with Madre de Dios radio station.

Regarding the recent inauguration of the EsSalud Village in Madre de Dios —a temporary care and isolation center for COVID-19 patients— Echegaray noted that its implementation will improve the care of COVID-19 patients in said region.

"The number of ICU beds for the care of critically ill patients has been improved, as well as the health infrastructure with the Intermediate Care Unit and a laboratory to perform rapid tests," she added.

On the other hand, the government official affirmed that actions will be coordinated with 37 indigenous communities and 25 families engaged in agriculture in Pariamanu, an area that has been recently affected by illegal mining activities. 

To that end, the minister explained that her sector and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation are coordinating the implementation of agriculture projects in favor of said families.

Finally, Echegaray disclosed that —on August 27— she will return to Madre de Dios to organize the implementation of various projects and hold meetings with regional and local authorities, as well as with different civil society organizations, so as to achieve joint and agreed solutions for the problems affecting the region.


Published: 8/25/2020