The Executive Branch has extended the
The corresponding supreme decree was published in the Official Gazette El Peruano on Friday.
According to
Supreme Decree No. 025-2022-PCM, the extension will run from March 20, 2022, until the first week of May. During this time the National Police of Peru will maintain control of internal order supported by the Armed Forces.
In its second article, the rule specifies that during the state of emergency the constitutional rights related to the inviolability of homes, freedom of movement within the national territory, freedom of assembly, as well as personal freedom and security —included in paragraphs 9), 11), 12), and 24) literal f) of article 2 of the Political Constitution of Peru— are suspended.
The intervention of the National Police of Peru and the Armed Forces will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 1186, which regulates the use of force by the National Police of Peru; in addition to Legislative Decree No. 1095, which establishes rules for the use of force by the Armed Forces within the national territory and its Regulations, approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-2020-DE, respectively.
The participation of local and regional governments of Lima and Callao, respectively, takes place within the framework of current regulations on citizen security.
Moreover, the rule details that the implementation of actions provided for in this supreme decree is financed from the institutional budget of the specifications involved, in accordance with current regulations.