
Peru: Curfew in Lima and Callao in force all day long today



09:43 | Lima, Apr. 25.

Lima and Callao have been at extreme risk level since April 19 in order to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a measure that will be in place until Sunday, May 9, according to information provided by the Government of Peru.

This means that the mandatory social immobility —known as curfew— will be in effect all day long today, April 25, in both cities. Therefore, citizens shall remain at home.

In addition, markets, supermarkets, malls, shopping arcades, conglomerates, hair salons, zoos, museums, churches, among others, are not allowed to operate either. 

However, pharmacies, drugstores, and restaurants can provide delivery services, as has been the case in earlier curfews.

Furthermore, the use of private vehicles will be restricted today, except for those who hold a special permit —issued by the competent authority— to perform essential activities.

Nevertheless, public transportation and taxi services will be available on this day for people undertaking essential activities and for those in emergency situations.

It should be pointed out that the restrictions mentioned above will also be in place on May 2 and 9, but in the case of Mother's Day (May 9), the curfew will apply nationwide, according to an announcement made by the Executive Branch on Friday.

Vaccination process

According to information provided by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), people over the age of 80 will be provided all possible assistance to reach the vaccination sites set up to administer the COVID-19 vaccines on April 25.


Published: 4/25/2021