
Peru: Congress declares Bolivian ex-President Evo Morales persona non grata

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

17:15 | Lima, Jan. 26.

During a plenary session on Thursday, the Congress of the Republic approved a motion to declare Bolivian ex-President Evo Morales persona non grata, as it deemed that he makes statements and comments reflecting interference in Peru's domestic affairs.

The initiative received 74 votes in favor, 40 against, and 4 abstentions. Moreover, it was approved after a lengthy debate.

Congress Foreign Affairs Commission Chairwoman Maria del Carmen Alva was in charge of supporting it.

According to Alva, there is no doubt that Morales carries out constant interference in the country's domestic affairs and that he is not a friend of Peru.

The legislator pointed out that both the National Parliament and the Commission that she chairs have the prerogative to declare persona non grata anyone who seeks to affect national interests. 

The Commission's chair remarked that this is the case of Morales, which is reflected in various public statements, in which he refers to what is happening in Peru and proposes political action.

In this sense, the text of the approved motion states that Morales carries out constant interference in domestic politics, which seeks to disrupt internal order in the country. 

Alva pointed out that such interference is mostly focused on the southern area of the country.

The document urges both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior to submit the approved motion to the Bolivian Embassy in the country.


Published: 1/26/2023