
APEC Peru 2024: Third Senior Officials' Meeting concluded in Lima

Photo: ANDINA/Melina Mejía

Photo: ANDINA/Melina Mejía

09:40 | Lima, Aug. 26.

The Third Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM3) and related events of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum concluded in Lima on Sunday, after two intense weeks of activities.

Six important deliverables emerged from this event: three ministerial statements, two instruments promoting the transition to clean energy in the Asia-Pacific region, and one establishing guidelines for addressing food loss and waste in the region.

"The SOM3 has represented significant progress in consolidating the thematic priorities proposed by Peru for its Presidency, through the adoption of three new documents and the adoption by consensus of three ministerial statements," said Peruvian Ambassador Carlos Vasquez, Chair of APEC Senior Officials' Meetings.

"With this positive result, APEC economies as a whole have signaled their high expectations for the road to November, an opportunity in which our Leaders should close an APEC year that will have fulfilled its objectives under Peru's leadership," he added.

In turn, APEC Secretariat Executive Director Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria underscored that "this year, we have witnessed Peru's efforts and approaches to include more stakeholders in our discussions, ensuring that we truly listen to diverse voices as we deal with different challenges."

The deliverables —key documents that record consensus agreements among the 21 APEC member economies— set the tone for the forum's thematic agenda and were the outcome of the Food Security Ministerial Meeting (FSMM) held in Trujillo, the Energy Ministerial Meeting (EMM), and the High-Level Meeting on Health and the Economy (HLMHE) —with the latter two gatherings held in Lima.


The FSMM was chaired by Peru's Agrarian Development and Irrigation Minister Angel Manero. It brought together his counterparts from the APEC member economies.

After two years without consensus, the Trujillo Statement by APEC's Food Security ministers was approved unanimously.

This agreement —a joint effort by the Peruvian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Agrarian Development-Irrigation— represents a renewed commitment to regional food security, as well as the promotion of more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive agri-food systems.

The Trujillo Principles for Preventing and Reducing Food Loss and Waste in the Asia-Pacific Region were also approved, establishing guidelines for addressing the issue of food loss and waste across the region.


The EMM —chaired by Peruvian Energy-Mines Minister Romulo Mucho— brought together his counterparts from the other 20 member economies, who approved by consensus the 
Lima Statement of the APEC Energy Ministers.

These three documents will foster the use of clean and low-carbon hydrogen in the bloc, with the aim of achieving a transition towards clean energy and mitigating climate change.

It is important to note that, for the first time in APEC history, Peru proposed the development of guidelines for the implementation of low-carbon hydrogen across the region, considering it a promising energy source to decarbonize several economic sectors.

Additionally, the 14th APEC High-Level Meeting on Health and the Economy Statement was the result of the exchanges at the HLMHE, chaired by Peruvian Health Minister Cesar Vasquez.

This statement is based on proposals submitted by Peru to generate inclusive, sustainable, and resilient health systems that adapt to future threats.

The six SOM3 deliverables are added to others already presented throughout the year at APEC:

1. APEC Women and the Economy Forum Ministerial Statement.
2. Joint Statement of APEC Ministers Responsible for Women and Ministers Responsible for Trade.
3. 2024 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Joint Statement.
4. The Arequipa Goals.
5. APEC 12th Tourism Ministers Statement.

Ahead of APEC Economic Leaders Week (November 11 to 16), the Peruvian APEC Presidency hopes to announce a greater number of deliverables, consolidating itself as one of the most prolific economies at the forum.

Peru is hosting APEC for the third time after the 2008 and 2016 editions.


Published: 8/26/2024