
Peru: Judiciary starts oral trial against Keiko Fujimori and others in Cocktails case

Photo: ANDINA/Lino Chipana

Photo: ANDINA/Lino Chipana

14:25 | Lima, Jul. 1.

The Judiciary on Monday initiated the oral trial against Fuerza Popular (Popular Force political party) leader Keiko Fujimori and other defendants for the crime of money laundering related to Caso Cocteles (Cocktails case).

The oral trial hearing is held in person at the National Superior Court of Specialized Criminal Justice facilities in Lima, with mandatory participation of the accused and their lawyers, the Prosecutor's Office reported.

The Third National Collegiate Criminal Court —made up of judges Juana Mercedes Caballero, Nayko Techy Coronado, and Max Oliver Vengoa— scheduled the start of the oral trial against the Fuerza Popular leader and others involved, through Resolution No. 13, dated June 26, 2024.

The main part is the oral trial itself —a space where the parties have assumed opposing positions and debate on evidence in search of convincing the judges of the defendants' innocence or guilt.

Start of hearing

The hearing sees the participation of Fuerza Popular leader Keiko Fujimori and the other defendants, who were accredited before the proceedings, along with their lawyers.

Due to the absence of accused citizens Luis Barboza Davila, Juan Luna Frisancho, Leissa Keiko Sasaki, and Italo Pachas Quiñones, who indicated that they reside abroad, the Court declared them defendants in contempt of court.

Similarly, it ordered their location and capture at the national and international levels, considering that there is no valid justification for their absence.

Regarding the situation of Luis Alberto Mejia Lecca, Vicente Ignacio Silva Checa, and Efrain Goldenberg Schreiber, whose legal defenses presented documents addressing their delicate health status, the judges allowed them to participate virtually in the hearing, in an exceptional manner.

Likewise, it allowed Carlos Miguel Franco Oropeza, Miguel Blanco Matsuda, and Johana Sasaki to participate virtually in an exceptional manner, considering that they reside abroad and are willing to attend the proceedings.

On this matter, the Prosecutor's Office announced that it will submit an appeal for reconsideration.

Furthermore, the magistrates rejected the request by one of the lawyers to consider the oral trial not convened given the absence of several accused individuals, since the rules allow for the continuity of the proceedings with the defendants who are present.


Published: 7/1/2024