
Peru: Government concretizes construction of hospitals in Piura and Ancash regions

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

15:00 | Lima, Jul. 3.

President Dina Boluarte's Government on Wednesday signed concession contracts for two Social Health Insurance System (EsSalud) hospitals, one in Piura and another in Chimbote, which will benefit over 1.3 million Peruvians.

"The new establishments will enable insured citizens to access complex surgeries and specialized services, such as oncology and nuclear medicine; thus, it will no longer be necessary for them to travel to Lima," Mrs. Boluarte indicated during the signing ceremony.

"Those very long trips will be over; with them, so many years of unfair waiting for services that the population deserves (will also be over)," she added.

Both hospital projects will be executed under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality and entail a historic investment of S/1.5 billion (about US$392 million).

Similarly, both healthcare establishment will increase access to the specialized services offered to insured citizens in the country's northern area and generate jobs for more Peruvian families.

Likewise, they will include the acquisition and replacement of equipment (hospital beds, ICU beds, laboratory supplies, etc.), hospital infrastructure maintenance, as well as general services provision.

"This is the outcome of joint efforts by the (Peruvian) State, EsSalud, the (State-run) Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversion), local authorities, and the private sector. Working together towards a common goal, we are achieving significant changes and can transform lives," Mrs. Boluarte emphasized.

Subsequently, the top official stated that her administration will continue fostering investments in the health sector. In this regard, ProInversion manages a portfolio of six PPP projects worth over US$860 million, which will benefit Lima and Cajamarca regions.

"My Government reaffirms its commitment all Peruvians' health and well-being. We will not cease in our mission to enhance and expand healthcare services, with the goal that every Peruvian can have access to the care that, by right, they deserve," she underlined.

State Visit to China

"The trip enabled us to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. China's interest in key sectors of the Peruvian economy is essential for our development plans," she stressed.

The top official underscored that her visit allowed for signing three protocols on phytosanitary requirements, seven Memorandums of Understanding on various types of cooperation, and an agreement with Huawei to train 20,000 young Peruvians in new information technologies.

"Besides, we have met with the top managers of six important Chinese companies, including the one that builds the Chancay Port and the one that operates Las Bambas mining company," Mrs. Boluarte pointed out. 

"To sum up, it has been a productive State visit, the results of which we will see in the short, medium, and long term," she concluded.


Published: 7/3/2024
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