Peruvian indigenous communities committed to the preservation of rainforests are granted financial incentives in recognition of their environmentally-friendly efforts, the Environment Ministry's Rainforest Program affirmed on Friday.
"As part of this mechanism, communities take on the commitment to preserve forests within their territory and the program transfers S/10 (about US$3.08) per hectare to them a year," program coordinator Roxana Otarola told Andina news agency.
For instance, the Chunchiwi community has vowed to protect 6,200 ha and thus receives an annual S/62,000 (about US$19,082) incentive, whereas the Chirikyacus have committed to preserve 4,150 ha and receive S/41,500 (about US$12,773) per year.
In turn, communities are expected to use said incentives to fund collective priorities concerning productive, conservation, management and social activities.
Once they decide on a task to perform, the program provides them with technical assistance in terms of procurement needs.
"Chunchiwi and Chirikyacu indigenous communities [in San Martin region] have worked on handicraft, cacao, as well as ecotourism," Otarola indicated.
Precisely, these handicraft products are showcased in this year's rainforest trade show
Expo Amazonica, taking place —simultaneously— in Tarapoto and Moyobamba cities thru August 13.
Expo Amazonica
Expo Amazonica 2017 brings together over 650 Peruvian exporting firms and 137 international buyers from countries like Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Highlights will include nutrient-rich
superfoods like sacha inchi (a.k.a. Inca peanut), camu camu berries, lucuma, maca, quinoa, chia, kiwicha, mango and aguaje fruit.