
Teachers strike temporarily suspended in Peru

LIMA,PERÚ-SETIEMBRE 02.Dirigente de profesores en huelga, Pedro Castillo, anunció la suspensión temporal de la huelga nacional de docentes.Foto:ANDINA/Dante Zegarra.

LIMA,PERÚ-SETIEMBRE 02.Dirigente de profesores en huelga, Pedro Castillo, anunció la suspensión temporal de la huelga nacional de docentes.Foto:ANDINA/Dante Zegarra.

00:00 | Lima, Sep. 3.

The indefinite national strike embarked upon by Peruvian teachers has temporarily been suspended in Lima and all over the country.

The announcement was made Saturday by union leader of teachers on strike, Pedro Castillo.

Speaking from downtown Lima, Castillo called on teachers nationwide to return to work and join regional authorities in the education process.

Castillo was guarded by strict security measures as he addressed hundreds of his peers attending the meeting.

Earlier, strikers expressed their willingness to respect the final decision announced by their leader.

On the other hand, Education Minister Marilu Martens welcomed teachers' commitment to resuming school classes on Monday, September 4.

The government official said it is time to put aside differences and focus their efforts towards education.

As is known, strikers had recently opposed to sign an agreement with Peru's Education Ministry, as they refused to go through a performance assessment process.


Published: 9/3/2017