
Pricey gifts given during traditional weddings in Huancayo, central Peru

Palpa Matrimonio en Huancayo

14:08 | Huancayo, Nov. 05.

The Huancas, people living in the Junin region, hold their hands and arms open every time they attend the Matrimonio con Palpa, a typical weeding celebration in central Peru.

This hundred-year tradition differs from other wedding celebrations, because of the competition the bride and groom’s families engage in with one another in order to know who brought the most gifts.

The phrase ¿Quién da más? (Who gives more?) might fit well with this out-of-the-ordinary event. 

As the newlyweds leave the church, rice and flowers are thrown over them. Then, they head towards the place where the party will take place.

Once in the reception room, both the bride and the groom lavish fresh-baked pork, delicious kid and crunchy guinea pig on the best man. After that, comes the “abundance.”

At this time, presents are given to the newlyweds. In the case of the Mantaro Valley, a lot of gifts can be found at this celebration. That is what it is all about.

Depending on how close relatives are to the bride and groom, it is not unusual to give a new car, a house, a truck, an apartment, or even a piece of land for the new family. Everything is valid when it comes to ease the marital life of those just married. 

After that, guests move to the center of the reception area to congratulate the couple to the rhythm of the music.


Published: 11/5/2014