On the banks of millenary Lake Titicaca, almost touching the skies, the people of South-Andean Puno region pay homage to Virgen de la Candelaria —its patron saint— with a colorful display of dances and music.

Deemed one of the Inca nation's most important cultural manifestations, the festivity also bears the title of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The great parade and veneration ceremony kicked off last Sunday (January 29), as thousands flocked to Enrique Torres Belon Stadium for the grand start.

That day, Puno woke up to music and to eagerly-awaited choreographies performed by dancers in colorful apparel representing their various hometowns.
As every year, comparsas (parade units) did not skimp on costume-making. The most eye-catching ones can reach up to S/2,500 (about US$764), hand-sewn with animal fibers, golden threads, sequins and pearls to impress "Mamacha," as Virgin of Candelaria is also known.

Over 15 days, during which the city welcomes tens thousands of visitors, Puno becomes the epitome of joy: parades dancing to loud, Peruvian folk music, fireworks, drinks and endless nights.

But the revelry hits its stride on two particular dates: February 2 and 6. The former, Fiesta de la Virgen (Virgin Festivity), is the quintessential religious celebration and includes a service, procession and presentation of countryside dance groups. The latter, Octava de la Virgen, features the presentation of trajes de luces (traditional light costumes).
"[Candelaria Festivity] is introduced as a single event, but it's actually two festivities in one," explains filmmaker and poet Omar Aramayo.

A fervent festival-goer, Aramayo affirms the number of performers continues to rise year after year.
This time, dancers and musicians are estimated at 50,000, but visitors could soar to 100,000.
Tourism boost
Puno Chamber of Commerce and Production President Vilma Enriquez describes the Candelaria Festivity as "one of the most paramount events in Puno, a region deemed Peru's folk capital."
This year, the unique festivity is expected to generate economic activity valued at S/72 million (about US$22 million) and welcome around 95,000 local and foreign visitors, a 5.1% increase over 2016.
"We invite tourists to come visit us and enjoy the Candelaria Festivity, our majestic dances and Puno's tourist attractions," she added.