
Peru rejects threat or use of force in Venezuela

Fachada del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Cancillería.Foto: ANDINA/Oscar Farje Gomero.

Fachada del ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Cancillería.Foto: ANDINA/Oscar Farje Gomero.

14:11 | Lima, Aug. 12.

The Peruvian Government has issued an official statement rejecting any threat or use of force in Venezuela without the U.N. Security Council authorization.

In the release, Peru warns that "all foreign or domestic attempts to resort to force would undermine the goal of restoring democratic governance in Venezuela, as well as the principles laid out in the UN Charter."

This way, Peru's Foreign Affairs Ministry reiterates its condemnation of the breakdown of democratic order in the Bolivarian nation. 

Plus, it stands firm in not recognizing resolutions of President Nicolas Maduro's recently-elected Constituent Assembly, deemed as illegitimate. 

Published on Saturday, the document states the Lima Declaration constitutes a "regional response" in defense of the last democratic institution in Venezuela: the legitimately elected National Assembly.

"A good faith negotiation process, with clear objectives and precise deadlines, is the only acceptable way to reinstate democracy in Venezuela," reads the release.

As is known, President Donald Trump would not rule out the possibility of a U.S. military intervention in the oil-rich country amid the ongoing political and economic crisis.


Published: 8/12/2017