
Peru: Pope arrives at Las Palmas Air Base to celebrate Holy Mass

ANDINA/Luis Iparraguirre

16:18 | Lima, Jan. 21.

Pope Francis arrived at Las Palmas Air Base in Lima to celebrate the long-awaited Holy Mass —the last activity in his pastoral visit to Peru— in front of a large crowd of pilgrims.

Following the Angelus prayer at Lima's Main Square, the Catholic Church leader left for the Apostolic Nunciature in Jesus Maria district, where he had lunch. 

After that, he headed to Las Palmas Air Base in Surco district to lead the multitudinous mass.

His Holiness arrived at about 3:40 PM (local time) amid strict security measures, as occurred in previous events.

Upon arrival, he toured the area —via Popemobile— to greet and reach the faithful, who had been waiting at the venue since early in the morning.


Published: 1/21/2018