
Peru PM praises Kuczynski-Fujimori dialogue

Primer Ministro Fernando Zavala

Primer Ministro Fernando Zavala

10:56 | Lima, Jul. 12.

Peruvian Prime Minister Fernando Zavala highlighted the dialogue between President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and opposition leader Keiko Fujimori, as well as the good will shown by both personalities.

As is known, the Head of State met with Mrs. Fujimori at Lima-based Government Palace on Tuesday afternoon. 

"This way, Peru wins," Zavala posted on Twitter once the meeting had concluded. 

The audience comprised matters of security, fight against corruption, economic reactivation, reconstruction following Coastal El Niño phenomenon, and employment generation.

Likewise, the Inca nation's Second Vice-President Mercedes Araoz praised the dialogue between both political leaders. 

The gathering was an opportunity to bridge gaps between President Kuczynski's administration and Mrs. Fujimori's opposition party —holding the majority of seats in Congress (71 out of 130)— in favor of policies the country needs.

It must be noted both Mr. Kuczynski and Mrs. Fujimori met previously in Lima last December.


Published: 7/12/2017