
Peru PM meets with Arequipa region mayors

16:00 | Arequipa (Arequipa region), Jun. 22.

Prime Minister Cesar Villanueva on Friday held a series of meetings with Arequipa region mayors, within the framework of the Muni-Executive Power meeting.

In this sense, Villanueva —along with Ministers Carlos Oliva (Economy-Finance), Daniel Alfaro (Education), and Salvador Heresi (Justice-Human Rights)— met with Cayllona Province Mayor Romulo Tinta.
Previously, the cabinet head —joined by Agriculture and Irrigation Minister Gustavo Mostajo— held a meeting with Islay Province Mayor Richard Ale, who expressed concern about the Paltiture dam construction, currently paralyzed by legal provisions.

At said gathering, Mostajo expressed his commitment to finding a solution in order to unlock this important project.

Afterward, Villanueva, as well as Ministers Carlos Oliva (Economy-Finance) and Raul Perez-Reyes (Production), engaged in conversation with Arequipa's Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Aldo Aranzaens.

Likewise, Environment Minister Fabiola Muñoz and Deputy Mines Minister Luis Miguel Inchaustegui met with mayors of Castilla and Caylloma provinces.

For his part, Production Minister Raul Perez-Reyes held a meeting with Arequipa province mayors. Ministers Christian Sanchez (Labor-Employment Promotion) and Carlos Oliva (Economy-Finance) also took part in this audience.

It must be noted Muni-Executive Power meetings denote cooperation platforms that promote, develop, and strengthen the joint efforts between municipalities and the Executive Branch.


Published: 6/22/2018