The Cajamarca Carnival Parade taking place on February 27 expects the participation of 150,000 people along its 4-km route, the event organizer projected.
Thus, the northern region has already prepared a corresponding citizen security and cleaning plan, carnival organization head Alexander Cespedes affirmed.
Likewise, the event will be patrolled by over 1,000 National Police agents.
"There will be more than 75,000 people in the infrastructure-covered stretch alone, but we expect around 150,000 along the 4-km route," he told Andina news agency.

Cespedes also noted the 24 Cajamarca neighborhoods joining this year's King Momo festivity are gearing up their colorful costumes to be displayed at the parade and troupe contest.
The parade will depart from the military school located in Baños del Inca highway.
Regarding tourist influx, Cespedes is confident the carnival will see thousands of visitors, since Cajamarca —unlike other Peruvian regions— has not been severely hit by nature (torrential rains, floods or landslides).
Finally, the event coordinator informed 80% of hotel rooms in the area are already booked, which also anticipates the carnival's major success.