
More than 66% of Peruvian households get Internet access

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19:15 | Lima, Oct. 17.

A total of 5,712,244 Peruvian households get home or mobile Internet access, and 3 out of 4 families rely on more than one telecommunications service, the Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (Osiptel) reported Tuesday.

According to Osiptel's Telecommunications Services Residential Survey (Erestel), Peru's Internet access rate has more than tripled between 2012 and 2016, thus climbing from 19.8% to 66.5%.

Likewise, access by rural households has expanded nearly 19 times in the same period.

The survey results also show Internet usage in urban and rural areas grew 7.8% and 7.1%, respectively, between 2015 and 2016.

Said expansion was mainly led by the socioeconomic sector "D" and the group of people between 30 and 35 years of age. 

Additionally, it is worth mentioning the increased Internet usage among Quechua speakers, people with high-school education and micro-enterprise workers.

Similarly, the study indicates that over 60% of Internet users declare getting connected on a daily basis.

In this sense, it can be said that not only more people from different social strata use the Internet, but they do it more frequently. 

Social networks

Most common online activities include instant messaging and social networking services.

Within this framework, the use of Apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger has grown 369% over the last 2 years, thus reaching 67.1% of Internet users.

Moreover, social network demand went up 11.2%, standing at 89.9%.

Lastly, search engines are another popular way to use the Internet. The corresponding rate reaches 76.1%.


Published: 10/17/2017