
Free afternoon admission to Machu Picchu starting July 1

Prohíben el uso de drones durante ceremonia de anuncio de las fiestas de Cusco desde Machu Picchu. ANDINA/Percy Hurtado

Prohíben el uso de drones durante ceremonia de anuncio de las fiestas de Cusco desde Machu Picchu. ANDINA/Percy Hurtado

17:33 | Cusco (Cusco region), Jun. 21.

Free entry to Inca citadel of Machu Picchu will be available during the afternoon starting July 1 this year, Decentralized Culture Directorate of Cusco (DDCC) informed on Wednesday.

Admission will be free from noon to 5:00 PM, depending on the carrying capacity of the ruins.

This measure is aimed at general public, mainly Free Admission System beneficiaries including —in this case— Cusco natives and residents under social tourism schemes.

Other beneficiaries include Peruvian citizens covered by Law No. 29366, which provides free access to archaeological sites, museums and historical places across the country for teachers, students and seniors every first Sunday of the month.

Primary and high school students will enjoy free access to the site every day except the first Sunday of each month. 

Potential visitors are encouraged to schedule their visits in advance, via e-mail ( or postal mail to DDCC office at Calle Maruri 340, Cusco.


Published: 6/21/2017