
Peru's Trade Min: Chancay Port could concentrate 25% of farming exports by sea



08:30 | Lima, Jun. 17.

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Elizabeth Galdo stressed that the new Chancay Multipurpose Port Terminal, to be inaugurated next November, could concentrate 25% of the value of Peruvian agricultural shipments transported by sea and 22% of total agricultural exports in the medium term.

The Mincetur head said this is due to the logistical advantage that the Port of Chancay represents given its proximity to certain regions.

According to the government official, the major export cargo to go through this infrastructure would be fruits, including avocados and blueberries.

"The development of this port hub will generate benefits such as lower transportation costs for various types of merchandise, making Peruvian products more competitive. Besides, this zone of the country will become an attraction for foreign direct investment," Galdo underscored.

"Due to its geographical position and cargo capacity, the Port of Chancay will be an important transit option for connection with Asia for cargoes originating or destined for Brazil, via international transit through Peru's interoceanic corridors," she added.

As is known, this major construction will decisively boost investment in new related economies, such as telecommunications services, banking and finance, food and manufacturing industries, commerce and tourism, particularly in the port's influence area.

"Thanks to the recent amendment to the Cabotage Law, it will also allow companies in regions to use the sea route so as to transport their products in less time at national ports, benefiting more than 6,000 MSEs," she remarked.

Minister Galdo participated in a working visit to Chancay Megaport.


Published: 6/17/2024