Peruvian National Police (PNP) has confirmed the capture of three alleged terror offenders, who are said to have collaborated and participated in the terrorist organization
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path).
For his part, Counterterrorism Directorate head, General Jose Antonio Zavala, affirmed that the detainees were identified as: Ramon Claudio Regin, comrade Ramon, captured in Puerto Maldonado; Alejandro Poma Cecilio, comrade Alex, captured in Huanuco; and Magner Felix Camara Villan, comrade Filicho, who is believed to have participated as a collaborator in the illegal trafficking of weapons and people.
"We have managed to capture three Shining Path members, who carried out illegal activities in the town of Aucayacu, in the area of Magdalena, where they performed all forms of actions that Shining Path used to undertake in the 1980s and 1990s, and even until 2012 under the leadership of comrade Artemio," the Dircote's head said during the presentation of the detainees.
According to the Dircote, those arrested are said to have operated under the command of
comrade Artemio, who was captured in February 2012.
Published: 4/13/2023