
Peru: Air bridge set up to assist Arequipa people

Heridos en sismo de Chivay fueron evacuados hacía Arequipa.

16:39 | Arequipa (Arequipa region), Aug. 15.

An air bridge connecting Peru's southern city of Arequipa with Caylloma province was set up on Monday afternoon to assist locals hit by Sunday’s 5.2-magnitude earthquake.

So far, four people have died, whereas 30 are wounded.

According to Defense Minister Mariano Gonzalez, the first flight to Chivay (Caylloma's province capital) carried medical personnel to assist severely-injured locals.

“There are 30 wounded people; three of them are severely injured […]. The air bridge will operate permanently all day long, until we are able to unblock the road by the end of the day,” he told TV Peru.

The aircraft also carried Peruvian Vice President, current Transport and Communications Minister, Martin Vizcarra in charge of leading the official delegation bringing medicine and food supplies.


Published: 8/15/2016