Representatives of the Environment Ministry of Peru (Minam) and the
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety of Germany met to review progress of projects currently undertaken in Peru.
At the meeting "Intergovernmental Consultations on Development Cooperation," Peru's Deputy Environmental Management Minister Lies Linares stressed that the agreement between Minam and the German state-owned development bank
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) led to the implementation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Program in cities like Arequipa, Coronel Portillo, and Tacna, for the benefit of the population.
For his part, Minam's Deputy Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources Gabriel Quijandria stressed that the Bioinvest project is being jointly conducted by the environment sector, the Ministry of Production (Produce) and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), which seeks to enhance biodiversity-impacted investment projects.
"Since the establishment of Minam, the German (development) cooperation has worked —together with Peru— on biological diversity issues with a sustainable use approach," Quijandria noted.
The meeting highlighted the importance of the projects under preparation, their implementation and financial cooperation in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Program in the Inca country, as well as future cooperation for 2020-2022, such as financial cooperation in the Program of Solid Waste Management in Coastal Cities and Recovery of Areas Degraded by Solid Waste.
The meeting also noted the Heritage of Peru initiative, which promotes effective management of Protected Natural Areas; technical cooperation in the Contribution to Environmental Goals of Peru (ProAmbiente II) among Minam, the National Service for Protected Natural Areas (Sernanp) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ); financial cooperation in the Protected Natural Areas (ANP) Program; budgetary support; green bonds; among other cooperation projects.
Published: 11/1/2019