
Peru: 31 Copper Mining Projects represent US$39.7 billion investment

Photo: Courtesy

Photo: Courtesy

13:58 | Lima, Sep. 26.

Energy-Mines Minister Romulo Mucho reported that there are 31 copper projects in Peru's Mining Investment Project Portfolio, representing a global investment of US$39.795 billion, located in 14 regions, generating resources that contribute to local and regional economy.

Among the copper projects are Antamina Replacement (Ancash region), Yanacocha Sulfides (Cajamarca), Cuajone Expansion (Moquegua), as well as similar initiatives in Arequipa, Apurimac, Cusco, Ica, Huancavelica, Junin, Pasco, Lima, La Libertad, Lambayeque, and Piura regions.

"Studies say that copper is the mineral that will reign in the future, and we need more copper projects," Mucho stated.

"Fortunately, we have projects that are currently in the exploration phase, so that Peru remains a key player as a supplier country in the energy transition that the world is experiencing towards cleaner sources," Mucho highlighted during his presentation.

The government official participated in an event of the Canada-Peru Chamber of Commerce, with the presentation titled "Strategic Opportunities for Responsible and Sustainable Mining Investment," on the possibilities that Peru offers for the development of this important economic activity.

He pointed out that among the Energy and Mines Ministry's objectives is to enable the implementation of mining projects in 2024, with a total investment of US$5 billion, for the benefit of Peruvian regions and the population's development.

The minister stressed that the Mining Investment Project Portfolio is made up of 51 ventures, representing an investment worth US$ 54.556 billion, which will benefit the population of various Peruvian regions.

In turn, the Mining Exploration Portfolio is made up of 75 projects, which entail a global investment of US$644 million.

He also indicated that Peru must support the Tia Maria Project implementation, as it presents an opportunity for this country to renew its commitment to mining activity, which signifies economic growth, as well as its path towards development and progress.


Published: 9/26/2024