
FA Minister: Peru reaffirms commitment to multilateralism to confront challenges

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

12:34 | New York (U.S.), Sep. 23.

Foreign Affairs Minister Elmer Schialer confirmed that, in light of the growing number of conflicts that are occurring in the international arena, Peru reaffirms its commitment to multilateralism and that the United Nations (UN) is the central forum for the search for peaceful and negotiated solutions.

This was stated on Sunday during his participation in the "Interactive dialogue 2: Enhancing Multilateralism for International Peace and Security," part of the Summit of the Future, within the framework of the 79th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly.

The Peruvian government official began his speech by pointing out that mankind is facing the largest number of conflicts on a global level since World War II and that the past three years have been the most violent of the last three decades.

The diplomat added that contemporary conflicts are more numerous and more complex due to the diversification of their triggers and causes, socio-political dynamics, the growing involvement of non-state actors, and the humanitarian catastrophes they unleash.

"Faced with this scenario, Peru reaffirms its conviction that multilateralism remains the best tool to confront these challenges and that the United Nations is the central forum for the search for peaceful and negotiated solutions," Schialer expressed.

Similarly, the Cabinet member stated that Peru values initiatives such as the New Agenda for Peace —proposed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres— and agrees that an efficient collective security system requires that States trust one another.

He also said that countries must respect their commitment to scrupulously apply the United Nations Charter, since selectivity in its application "not only erodes trust but also weakens the multilateral system as a whole and with it our ability to maintain peace."

Regarding the strengthening of UN peacekeeping operations, he stressed that, in addition to the 250 Peruvian troops currently serving in various parts of the world, "Peru has a rapid reaction force ready to be deployed immediately whenever the United Nations requires it."

Ambassador Schialer concluded by reaffirming Peru's unwavering commitment to the principles that gave rise to the United Nations.

Moreover, he underlined that only through a strengthened and renewed multilateralism will it be possible to confront current challenges in order to bequeath to future generations a fair, safe, and peaceful future, without leaving anyone behind.


Published: 9/23/2024