
Peru's President: We will defeat the terrorism of criminal gangs

Photo: ANDINA/Lino Chipana

Photo: ANDINA/Lino Chipana

13:42 | Callao (Callao region), Oct. 8.

The new terrorism that criminal gangs are attempting to impose through extortion will be defeated, just as the terrorism by Shining Path and the coups d'état were defeated, President Dina Boluarte stated on Tuesday.

Within this framework, the Head of State considered the unity of all Peruvians to be imperative in order to put an end to the desire of those who seek to obtain illicit money through extortion and murder, and who attempt to destroy our compatriots' lives.

"It is necessary for all institutions of the (Peruvian) State and society make to an effort to unite in order to prevent our territory from becoming a space dominated by crime that uses terror to impose itself," she emphasized.

In this regard, the top official noted that Peru is a resilient, combative, and hard-working country, with a horizon of progress, advancement, growth, and comprehensive development.

Mrs. Boluarte added that it has always known how to stand up and emerge victorious.

"The figures projected for this year and the next are for growth; They are not for stagnation or decline; I repeat, they are for growth, the result of the efforts of all Peruvians," she pointed out.

In this regard, Mrs. Boluarte mentioned that there is also a new threat being confronted in the world: the war of lies, or fake news, created to instill image terrorism through social media and generate instability.

"Therefore, I call upon all Peruvians and the institutions that are fundamental pillars of the Peruvian State to act with determination and courage, with the strength that truth grants us, united in following the example of the Peruvian of the millennium, the great Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario," she added.

The president stated that, in the new scenario facing Peru and the world, strategic foresight is a patriotic duty, reminding Peruvians that history has taught us that national security and defense are fundamental.

"In accordance with the traditions of honor, bravery, courage, discipline, education, and training, the Navy will always be ready to fulfill its duties to the homeland, defend the Constitution, and uphold the democratic principles of every civilized country," she said.

President Boluarte also highlighted the figure of Miguel Grau as the greatest and clearest example of the defense of democracy and freedom, as well as of moral integrity, honesty, and integrity in the heroic defense of the homeland to the point of sacrificing his life.

"He will be the example that will always light the way for our leaders and for all Peruvians (…) Following his example, and with the Peruvian Navy as a bulwark, we will always be invincible," she pointed out.


Published: 10/8/2024