
Agro-exports boom: These are the main Peruvian products conquering the world

00:38 | Lima, Oct. 1.

Peru is consolidating as an important supplier of fruits and vegetables worldwide, considering that its agricultural exports reached US$10.545 billion at the end of 2023. Besides, these are projected to exceed US$11.500 billion by the end of 2024, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri).

"Despite the unfavorable context, the excellent work of agricultural producers and exporters, joined by the (Peruvian) State, allowed for reversing this adversity and making possible for agricultural shipments in 2023 to exceed by 2.9% those reported a year earlier," Midagri's Agricultural Foreign Trade Specialist Cesar Romero told El Peruano Official Gazette.

The official highlighted that, over the last 23 years, Peruvian agricultural exports have grown at an average rate of 11.9% per year.

But what are the flagship products that sustain the performance of the country's modern agriculture?

Romero mentioned that there are 20 products which account for 74.6% of total agricultural exports. Among these are grapes, blueberries, avocados, asparagus, mangoes, citrus fruits, coffee, cacao, bananas, artichokes, dried paprika, ginger (kion), and quinoa.

However, according to the figures managed by Midagri, there are three agro-exported Peruvian products whose annual performance exceeds or nears US$1 billion: grapes, blueberries, and avocados.


Grapes currently lead Peru's agro-exports ranking if we take into account that, during the 12 months of 2023, 649,000 tons were exported worth US$1.745 billion, 28% above the value registered in 2022, according to Midagri data.

"The fresh grape harvesting and export campaign begins around September and ends in April of the following year, with December and January being the months of highest foreign sales," Romero pointed out.

The specialist indicated that the main grape production areas, intended for export purposes, are located in the following regions: Ica, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, and Ancash (Casma and Huarmey).

During 2023, Peruvian grapes were exported to some 55 markets, although the concentration of the exported value is notable in the United States (47% of the total), the European Union (17%), and Asian countries (13%), mainly in Hong Kong and China.


Blueberries are the second Peruvian agro-export product, since by the end of 2023 shipments abroad totaled US$1.676 billion, registering a 23% growth compared to the previous year.

"The volume of Peruvian blueberry shipments abroad was 207,000 tons in 2023, which was 24.2% lower than that recorded in 2022 (273,000 tons). Nonetheless, Peru's reduced supply, as the world's leading blueberry exporter, managed to impact international market prices, resulting in increased export values," Romero detailed.

The specialist explained that, until recent years, the blueberry harvest campaign in Peru used to begin in July and end in March of the following year. Thus, April, May, and June used to be months of marginal or no exports.

"However, in recent years, the start of the blueberry seasonal window has expanded to June, reaching peak export volumes around September and October, and concluding the campaign in April of the following year," Romero explained.

The continuity of the country's exportable supply has been achieved hand-in-hand with new plant genetic varieties that have enabled Peru to maintain a consistent supply of better-quality fruit, larger size, and good flavor, satisfying the high demands of consumers in the international market, he added.

The specialist pointed out that the main blueberry-producing regions are Lambayeque, La Libertad, Ancash (Casma and Huarmey), and Ica.

Peruvian blueberries reach 44 foreign markets, taking into account that only the United States demands 57% of the total, followed by the European Union (22%), and then there are other destinations such as China and Hong Kong.


Avocados are ranked third among Peru's main agro-export products, considering that in 2023 shipments abroad totaled US$963 million, 7.6% above the previous year, as they reached 599,000 tons in volume.

"The fresh avocado export season can be observed throughout almost the entire year, as its cultivation occurs in both Peru's coastal and highland regions. The majority of exports are recorded between March and September every year, primarily from the coastal areas," Romero explained.

The Midagri specialist indicated that avocados are produced mainly in Ica, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Ancash (Casma), and Ayacucho regions.

According to the National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa), Peruvian avocados are allowed to be currently exported to 73 markets around the world, with the European Union being the largest buyer, accounting for 51.8% of the total. In second place is the United States (13.9%); followed by Mexico, Chile, and Asian countries.

Other products

Midagri pointed said there are Peruvian agricultural products that are also in high demand in the international market.

These are coffee, cacao, mangoes, asparagus, paprika, citrus fruits, organic bananas, and quinoa, in addition to others that are arousing greater interest such as strawberries and ginger.

Romero highlighted that Peruvian agricultural exports showed great strength in 2023, despite having faced a series of problems, mainly climatic ones.

"Peru is leveraging a significant natural advantage as a country with diverse ecosystems and 38 different climates, allowing year-round production and geographic mobility to optimize cultivation in regions with stable climates, such as the southern coast, while the northern coast was being affected by Coastal El Niño," Romero stated.


Published: 10/1/2024