12:46 | Huaraz (Ancash region), Jan. 26.
Ancash region, which has been placed —by health authorities— on a "very high alert" level, reports a rapid increase in deaths caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), to the extent that January figures already doubled those from December.
The region's fatality rate was 4.2% during the quietest weeks for the health sector but has now reached 4.4%.
Only in Ancash, 2,068 people have lost their lives due to COVID-19.
In this regard, Diresa Ancash Head Jose Morales said that these statistics are alarming and lamented that, although all health staff are doing their best to fight the disease,
infections continue to increase.
In this sense, the health official commented that the Executive Branch should opt for more drastic measures to contain infections "if necessary."
Another aspect that makes the situation complicated in Ancash is that the three hospitals treating COVID-19 cases (Victor Ramos Guardia, Eleazar Guzman Barron, and Essalud's Hospital No. III) have run out of
ICU beds.
"I call on the population to abide by the guidelines: Proper use of face masks, hand washing, and physical distancing. If possible, people should avoid going out and taking part in meetings," Morales concluded.
Published: 1/26/2021