announced the postponement of the start of operations at the new Jorge Chavez International Airport, as the required tests have not been completed.
"At that time, in early January, the entire aviation community gathered, (including) the Ministry (of Transportation and Communications), airlines, LAP, ramp service companies, all relevant stakeholders. The date emerged from the consensus reached in that space regarding the remaining challenges," Perez Reyes said on Monday afternoon.
"So we gathered and assessed what was still pending —the stabilization of the ramp, the fuel issue, which was very close to being resolved— everything had been scheduled. Based on that timeline, we determined that these tests should be completed, everything (should be) reviewed, and all issues (should be) addressed by March 15. Within that framework, March 30 was set as a reference date. It was a consensus, not an imposition by any of the stakeholders or by us," he explained.
Moreover, the Cabinet member explained that since certain pending tests remain incomplete, the start of operations has been postponed.
"This time, we don't want to mention a new date because we believe we must ensure that everything is technically in place. We don't want a repeat of what happened —where the estimate agreed upon by all stakeholders did not materialize. This is a very important issue," he concluded.