
Peru: President expresses support for Armed Forces, firefighters, and population

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

13:17 | Lima, Sep. 17.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Tuesday thanked the Armed forces, firefighters, public servants, civil society, and the population for their hard work to mitigate forest fires in Peruvian regions.

Within this framework, Mrs. Boluarte highlighted the Government efforts from the first moment and immediately, which acted by land and air to control the affected areas.

"Our Government has been working from the very beginning, not just recently, as some claim, because it is easy to criticize, post on social media, and always complain. To those who want to divide us with lies, our Government responds with actions. Let us work together for Peru and serve our homeland," she emphasized.

In this regard, the top official pointed out that officials are permanently coordinating measures and receiving daily briefings from each region reporting fires. 

"I have coordinated actions so that the aircraft continue to transport 3,000 liters of water on each flight and thus continue fighting to control the fires. To those who want to divide us with lies, our Government responds with actions! To them I say: less talking and more action, gentlemen!" she expressed.

Remarks were made during the inauguration of the fourteenth Bicentennial School "Educational Institution (I. E.) 3080 Peru-Canada" located in Lima's Los Olivos district.


Published: 9/17/2024