
Peru: Culture Min works to strengthen cultural identity with regional, local governments

12:30 | Vilcabamba (Cusco region), Jun. 24.

Culture Minister Leslie Urteaga participated in the staging of the "Manco Inca Rebellion," which took place at the Vitkus Rosaspata Archaeological Complex in Vilcabamba, La Convencion province, Cusco region.

Held on Sunday, the event saw over 100 performers on stage.

Within this framework, the minister thanked Vilcabamba Mayor Michael Ugarte for the invitation extended during the intersectoral meeting held in Quillabamba on May 30.

"I feel grateful and very proud to be here, as minister of Culture and as a Peruvian. From the Ministry of Culture, we are working intensively hand-in-hand with regional and local governments to strengthen our cultural identity. We also have a very important strategy which is the fight against racism," Urteaga indicated.

"Our communities, our indigenous peoples, and the large number of people who identify as mestizo, as Peruvian, we have to see ourselves as equal, and part of that is this pride in what is ours, of returning to these origins. I am impressed to be in Rosaspata, which forged the last four Incas, including Manco Inca, who were part of the last Inca resistance," she added.

The minister highlighted the participation of state State-run TVPeru channel in this historic staging.

"I thank the State-run channel that accompanies us today; through them, the whole world will find out that they can be welcomed with open arms here. I am very happy for the warm welcome and the beautiful hike we have done. I am happy to see this performance here in Vilcabamba. You count on the Ministry of Culture to continue strengthening these aspects for cultural visits and, of course, tourist visits," she stated.

Urteaga underscored that Law No. 31628, published on November 18, 2022, declared Manco Inca as "precursor and national hero of the fight against 16th century colonialism of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, and Vilcabamba district, La Convencion province, Cusco region, as the last bastion of the Inca resistance."

Vitkus Rosaspata is an archaeological gem that encapsulates a crucial chapter of Inca history.

From its use as a refuge and center of resistance by Manco Inca to its rediscovery in the 20th century, Vitkus remains a lasting testament to the Inca Empire's greatness and tenacity.


Published: 6/24/2024