
Peru to start meat-exporting negotiations with China

Photo: Courtesy

Photo: Courtesy

11:35 | Lima, Jun. 17.

Agrarian Development and Irrigation Minister Angel Manero announced that he will travel to China on July 1-3 to negotiate the entry of Peruvian meat to the Asian country's market.

"The Chinese market consumes 140 million tons of meat; if we only managed to export one million tons, we would be talking about exports worth over US$5 billion in meat alone," Manero said on Sunday.

In remarks to Radio Nacional, he said these opportunities with China are going to start a change in the entire Andean region, as it will mean the enhancement of pastures and lands.

Furthermore, the Cabinet member highlighted the national production result (5.28%) registered in April 2024.

He commented that this growth was based on the favorable performance of sectors such as: Agriculture; Fishing; Manufacture; Electricity, Gas, and Water; Construction; Trade; Transportation, Storage, and Courier; Telecommunications and Other Information Services.

Similarly, Minister Manero underscored that there is greater investment by the public sector.

"From January to May, the (Peruvian) State has invested more than S/18 billion (over US$4.782 billion), this is 30% higher than the amount invested last year; so, the State is helping boost Peru's growth," he noted.

The Cabinet member also affirmed that the countryside no longer has the problems it faced last year.

"What matters the most is that this growth won't stop because investment in irrigation for small producers is strong," he underlined.

The Midagri head emphasized that, thanks to irrigation projects at the national level, Peru's export offer will no longer last six months but twelve per year.


Published: 6/17/2024