
Peru: Ex-Odebrecht director to testify at Keiko Fujimori oral trial

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

17:24 | Lima, Jul. 2.

During the Cocktails case oral trial, which involves Keiko Fujimori and other defendants, Prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez on Tuesday indicated that among those to testify is Jorge Barata, former Odebrecht director in Peru, over the contributions that the Brazilian construction company had allegedly made to Fuerza Popular (Popular Force political party) electoral campaign.

Before the Third National Collegiate Criminal Court, he specified that, according to the prosecutorial hypothesis, the campaign contributions came from five main sources: Odebrecht, the Credicorp Group, the Rasmussen Group, the National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (CONFIEP), and businessman Luis Calle Quiros, which were combined with money from other sources.

The Lava Jato Case Special Prosecution Group member indicated that the assets of the Brazilian construction company were gathered by Jaime Yoshiyama and Augusto Bedoya by order of Keiko Fujimori, who was present at the audience held today.

"Jorge Barata, (former) superintendent of Odebrecht, will appear at this oral trial to indicate how the recruiters were sent by Keiko Fujimori to contribute US$1 million to her campaign, along with other officers from that company," Perez indicated.

The prosecutor detailed that the communications records between Barata and Yoshiyama Tanaka will be presented orally, and why in the agenda of the company's CEO, Marcelo Odebrecht, a note stated "Increase Keiko to 500 and make a visit."

Perez added that "Marcelo Odebrecht himself will explain how those 500 are part of the US$1 million requested by Jorge Barata for Keiko Fujimori."

The magistrate remarked that the funds came from Odebrecht's Structured Operations Division, also known as Box 2, "which was a bribery division, where this money was classified under a code or codinome."

Perez pointed out that experts will be summoned to the trial. They will give an account of the route of that US$1 million to the accounts of Peruvian 'doleiro' Gonzalo Monteverde.

In his statement regarding the Lima Metro case in September 2023, Jorge Henrique Simões Barata indicated that, during the period when he worked as an executive at Odebrecht Peru, the company contributed to various political campaigns in the country.

In this regard, he mentioned those of Keiko Fujimori; former Presidents Ollanta Humala, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, and Alan Garcia; as well as the non-recall campaign of ex-Lima Mayor Susana Villaran.

Prosecutor Perez indicated that Credicorp Group's ex-Chairman Dionisio Romero Paoletti will also attend the Cocktails case trial, as will "the most powerful businessmen in the country." He mentioned Roque Benavides and Carlos Rodriguez Pastor, among others, who —he said— will give an account of how they had allegedly made contributions to Fuerza Popular's campaign.

Upcoming hearings

At the end of today's hearing, the court presided over by judge Juana Caballero ordered the continuation of the oral trial on July 9 at 9:00 a.m. (local time). On that date, the Prosecutor's Office is expected to conclude its arguments.

The following session will be held on July 10. On that day, the presentation by the defendants' lawyers will take place.

The Third Criminal Court also established that the next hearings will be held virtually.


Published: 7/2/2024