
Employment related to exports in Peru grew 15 % boosted by agroindustry

From January till October 2024 compared to the same period last year

Agroindustry boosted employment in Peru exports sector from January till October 2024. ANDINA/Difusión

Agroindustry boosted employment in Peru exports sector from January till October 2024. ANDINA/Difusión

08:46 | Lima, Dec. 23.

The employment related to exports in Peru (direct, indirect and induced) totaled 3.47 million jobs from January till October 2024, achieving an increase of 15.5% compared to the same period in 2023 (3.01 million), reported the Association of Exporters (Adex).

In its report 'Impact of Exports: Employment and GDP-October 2024' it revealed that jobs in the traditional sector (one million 421 thousand) increased by 24.4 % and non-traditional jobs (2 million 056 thousand) by 10.1 %.

Of the 14 productive activities oriented to exports, nine had positive results: primary fishing (100.6 %), traditional agriculture (47.7 %), agroindustry (18.6 %), various (17.3 %), iron and steel (15.5 %), mining (13.1 %), chemicals (8.8 %), metalworking (2.8 %) and clothing (0.3 %). 

The other five sectors with negative results were: fishing and aquaculture (-25.5 %), wood (-15.5 %), non-metallic mining (-14.2 %), hydrocarbons (-5.1 %) and textiles (-2.9 %).

The two most relevant activities by stock were agroindustry and mining which registered a record in this period with 1 million 449,000 and 919,856 jobs respectively. The agroindustry accounted for 41.7% of the total due to the increased demand for labor for processing and shipping superfoods such as blueberries, avocados, grapes, asparagus and mangos.

Meanwhile, mining accounted for 26.5% due to the good performance of mineral prices such as copper, gold and zinc. Other sectors such as wood, clothing, miscellaneous and textiles have not yet achieved their records registered in the years 2006, 2008, 2012 and 2014, respectively.

Regarding market destinations, North America contributed to the employment results in Peru with 1 million 82,000 associated jobs (31.1 % of the total), followed by Asia (994,802 job), Europe (889,340 jobs), Latin America (473,429 jobs), Africa (24,247 jobs) and Oceania (13,431).


Except for Lima and Callao, the Coast represented 50.5 % of the jobs linked to the export sector between January and October 2024. Of the nine coastal regions, only three showed declines: Tumbes (-30 %), Piura (-19.6 %) and Tacna (-7.6 %).

With more than 364,000 km² (28 % of the total area of the country), the Andean zone generated only 17.6 % of jobs in the aforementioned period (613,387). The Amazon region, which covers around 60% of the national territory, promoted the creation of 3.1 % of jobs (107,825)

Monthly detail

In October, Peruvian exports generated 473,017 associated jobs, which meant a growth of 19.8 % compared to the same month of the previous year. The non-traditional sector created more jobs (301,747) with an increase of 22.3 %, while the traditional sector (171,269) experienced an increase of 15.6%.

By stock of jobs, the most relevant were agroindustry (243,369), mining (91,263), agriculture (77,397), clothing (21,412) and non-traditional fishing (9,624).

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Published: 12/23/2024