16:46 | Chiclayo (Lambayeque region), Apr. 11.
Northern Lambayeque region's Chiclayo City is expected to welcome more than 30,000 visitors during "Expo Peru Norte 2018" scheduled for April 26-29.
The event is part of the strategies promoted by Peru's central government to boost the northern macro-region's reactivation and showcase it as one of the country's top tourist destinations.

For this reason, it has become necessary to commercially reactivate this area, as well as to promote tourism, investments, and its gastronomy.
Thus, Lambayeque provinces —including Chiclayo City— are getting ready to receive visitors, who will be amazed by its attractions featuring spots such as
museums, archaeological sites, churches, mansions, and buildings constructed back in the colonial and republican times.

Likewise, tourists will be able to visit beautiful beaches, as well as enjoy several dishes involving seafood species and rural products —which will surely encourage them to come back.
Peru's Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) will run the Norte Exporta 2018 International Macro-Business Round.
The event will be attended by 35 foreign and 15 domestic buyers, plus 95 exporting entrepreneurs from Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Cajamarca, Amazonas, and Loreto regions.
Likewise, attendees will be allowed to participate in a trade fair featuring 265 stands, as well as a gastronomic and cultural festival.

Finally, a macro-region investment showroom and specialized seminars will take place on the occasion.
Publicado: 11/4/2018