
United Nations declares May 30 as International Potato Day

11:00 | New York (U.S.), Dec. 9.

The United Nations General Assembly has declared May 30 as International Potato Day, after adopting by consensus draft resolution A/78L/L.16 presented by Peru.

"This multilateral effort to recognize the global importance of this crop, of which Peru is considered the main center of origin, is the outcome of the joint work by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agrarian Development-Irrigation," the Foreign Affairs Ministry reported on Friday evening.

The purpose of International Potato Day is to "raise awareness of critically important issues related to sustainable production and the stability of value chains, including the availability of water and fertilizers."

Following the UN's decision, the annual celebrations may include various initiatives, such as the production of promotional materials, technical publications, documentaries, festivals, exhibitions, webinars, as well as other international, regional, and national activities.

Likewise, this declaration will foster the promotion of regional and global networks linked to potatoes, among other initiatives.

Proposal promoted by Peru

Since June 2022, "through its diplomatic missions abroad, Peru began actions, presenting, within the framework of the 11th World Potato Congress (Dublin-Ireland), the proposal for the establishment of an International Potato Day," the Peruvian government agency added.

Then, between July 2022 and 2023, this initiative was managed in Rome, within the framework of various bodies of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to finally be approved by consensus at the UN General Assembly.

The Peruvian proposal had as main cosponsors: Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, and Guatemala.

The list also included: Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Nepal, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Ukraine, and Venezuela, which were joined by other Member States, resulting in a total of 68 co-sponsors.

Global importance of potatoes

In recognition of potatoes' global importance, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2008 as International Year of the Potato to raise awareness about the need to promote research and development of sustainable production in low- and middle-income countries.

"Potatoes play an essential role for global food security and nutrition, as well as for income generation," said the Foreign Affairs Ministry, underscoring the need for small-scale farmers and actors in value chains to "rely on sustainable practices so as to ensure environmental protection and social equity."


Published: 12/9/2023